This post explains how I created a small program for the automated processing of text, so there won’t be anything about graphics or spelling here! I’ve created many such programs, large and small, over the years, so this is just intended as a sample of what’s possible. This program analyzes CSS styles applied to a large set of XML-based documents.
In my work, I frequently need to be able to analyze and modify large sets of XML-encoded documents (typically 10,000+ documents in a single project). It’s simply not practical to do this by opening and editing each document individually; the only realistic way is to write a script or program to perform the analysis and editing automatically.
Recently, I needed to update a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS file) that was linked to a large number of XHTML topic documents in a publishing project. The CSS file had been edited by several people over many years, with little overall strategy except to “keep it going”, so I was aware that it probably contained many “junk” style definitions. I wanted to be able to delete all the junk definitions from the CSS file, but how could I determine which styles were needed and which were not? I needed a way to scan through all 10,000+ files to find out exactly which CSS classes were used at least once in the set.
Years ago, I gained a great deal of experience of programming in C++, using Microsoft’s MFC framework. About 8 years ago, for compatibility with other work that was being done by colleagues, I began to transition to programming in C# using Microsoft’s .NET architecture. Thus, I decided to use C#/.NET to create a program that would allow me to scan huge numbers of XHTML files rapidly and create a list of the CSS styles actually found in the topic files.
Until the advent of .NET 3.5, I’d become accustomed to working with the class XmlDocument. While this was a definite improvement over previous “XML” handling classes, it could still be awkward for certain operations, such as, for example, constructing and inserting new XML snippets in an existing document. I was delighted, then, to discover the new XDocument class that was introduced with .NET 3.5, and I now use the newer class almost exclusively. (For some discussion of the differences, see
Analyzing CSS Styles: Code Sample
Here are the critical methods of the class that I created to walk the XML tree in each document. The first method below, walkXMLTree()
, executes the tree walking operation. To do that, it obtains the root element of the XML tree, then calls the second method, checkChildElemsRecursive()
, which actually traverses the tree in each document.
using System.IO;
using System.Xml.Linq;
public int walkXMLTree(string strRootFolderpath, ref SortedList<string, string> setClasses)
string[] strFilepaths = Directory.GetFiles(strRootFolderpath, "*.htm", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
List<string> listDocsFailedToLoad = new List<string>();
int iElemsChecked = 0;
foreach (string strFilepath in strFilepaths)
_xdoc = XDocument.Load(strFilepath);
_xelemDocRoot = _xdoc.Root;
iElemsChecked += checkChildElemsRecursive(_xelemDocRoot, ref setClasses, strFilepath);
return iElemsChecked;
private int checkChildElemsRecursive(XElement xelemParent, ref SortedList<string, string> setClasses, string strFilename)
int iElemsChecked = 0;
string strClass;
XAttribute xattClass;
IEnumerable<XElement> de = xelemParent.Elements();
foreach (XElement el in de)
// Find class attribute if any
xattClass = el.Attribute("class");
if (xattClass != null)
strClass = el.Name + "." + xattClass.Value;
if (!setClasses.ContainsKey(strClass))
setClasses.Add(strClass, strFilename);
iElemsChecked += checkChildElemsRecursive(el, ref setClasses, strFilename);
return iElemsChecked;
[Code correction 6/20/16: I changed xelemParent.Descendants()
to xelemParent.Elements()
. By using Descendants
, I was doing the work twice, because Descendants
returns child elements at all sub-levels, instead of just the first level. The code works correctly either way, but if you use Descendants
, the recursion is unnecessary.]
The use of the System.IO
and System.Xml.Linq
libraries is declared at the top of the code.
The basic method is walkXMLTree()
, which generates a sorted list setClasses
of CSS classes used in every one of the XHTML files under the root folder strRootFolderpath
. In this implementation, the returned list contains the CSS class name in the first element of each item (for example, “”), and, in the second element, the file path of the first topic file that was found to contain that class.
The method walkXMLTree()
contains a loop that examines every strFilepath
in the array strFilepaths
. Although every topic file under strRootFolderpath
is expected to contain valid XML, it’s always possible that a file contains invalid XML markup. In that case, the XDocument.Load()
method throws an exception, which stops program execution. To avoid crashing the program in such a case, I wrapped XDocument.Load()
in a try-catch loop. If the method fails for a particular file, the code adds the path and name of that file to listDocsFailedToLoad
, then moves on to the next file. When all the files have been scanned, I can then examine listDocsFailedToLoad
to see how many files couldn’t be opened (hopefully not a large number, and usually it isn’t).
For each XHTML topic that it succeeds in opening, walkXMLTree()
calls the method checkChildElemsRecursive()
to traverse the element tree in that document. Note that the checkChildElemsRecursive()
method is indeed recursive, since it calls itself in its own foreach loop. When checkChildElemsRecursive()
is initially called from walkXMLTree()
, the xelemParent
parameter that is passed in is the root element of the XML tree in the document being scanned.
When control finally returns from checkChildElemsRecursive()
to walkXMLTree()
, the variable iElemsChecked
contains the complete number of XML elements that were examined. This is likely to be a huge number; in one recent test, more than 8 million elements were processed.
The final content of setClasses
will be a list of every class that’s used in at least one of the topic files. In the example above, I also set each item to show the filepath of the first file that was found that included that class, because I wasn’t expecting too many surprises! To obtain a complete analysis, you could, of course, make the second item in the SortedList
a sublist that would include the file path of every topic using that class.