This is just an administrative post, which you’ll need to read only if you plan to leave a comment on one of my posts. This is my policy on commenting, and a note about the images that appear on this blog.
Comments are welcomed and encouraged on this site, but all comments will be viewed and approved by the moderator before becoming visible.
There are also instances where comments will be edited or deleted as follows:
- Comments deemed to be spam or possible spam will be deleted. Including a link to relevant content is permitted, but all comments should be clearly relevant to the post topic.
- Comments including profanity will be deleted.
- Comments containing language or concepts that could be deemed offensive will be deleted.
- Comments that attack a person individually, or the display of which may expose me to potential liability for defamatory conduct of any kind, will be deleted.
- This is a non-commercial blog, carrying no advertising, the goal of which is to disseminate information. Comments that promote specific goods or services are not permitted and will be deleted.
- Given the declared subject matter of this blog, comments of a political or religious nature are unlikely to be relevant. Such comments will be deleted, unless they seem to be rational and highly relevant to the topic.
- I have no interest in posting content written or supplied by others, whether paid or not, nor in entering into any collaborative effort in connection with the blog content. You can link to my posts, but you cannot re-post my content elsewhere. Please don’t bother to post comments or send emails asking about such arrangements.
The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice. This comment policy is subject to change at anytime.
Images: all images shown on my blog are copyright (whether or not they contain an explicit copyright statement), and may not be reproduced anywhere else, in any form, without my written permission in advance.
Oh, and one final thought. If you send me a vague comment claiming that I need to check spelling in my posts, then I’ll know you haven’t read them!